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Croeso i Ddosbarth Elm 


 Summer  Term News


  Summer  Term Topic  
Welcome back ! We hope you enjoyed your Easter break  and your residential stay at Llangrannog ?
This term we will  complete our study of coasts and link it to our rocks and soils topic in science.
 Then our class topic will be looking at the journeys of different refugees across time . This will involve historical and geographical work as well as fictional and non fiction writing.
Our science topic is ' Space' - particularly topical with the recent eclipse !
We will also be celebrating our schools 50th anniversary - and marking this occasion in a number of ways !

All details of this term's topics across the areas for learning will be on this term's newsletter, which can be found here 

Important  Information!

 Please remember to bring your clean water bottle in each day .

 PE will be taught on Tuesdays  please wear kit to school. 


 Please scroll down the page to find useful websites and fun games to play.

 Dosbarth Elm Blog

 Year 5 had a brilliant time at Llangrannog - don't forget to log onto Hwb and look in Google classroom for your photographs!

Where am I ?
Image by Beata Mitręga

 For top tips on how to access Google Classroom, how to upload work and how to log onto a Teams meeting- please look on the Homepage and click on C19 and Homelearning 

Use the links below to help practise maths and literacy skills. If the site is blocked it is usually because Adobe Flash player is blocked on your device. Ask your parent to unblock to allow you to play ( They can Google this ) You MUST ask parents permission to unblock Flash player.

Useful links

Don’t forget the riddle:

Hey diddle diddle, the median’s the middle,

You add then divide for the mean.

The mode is the one that you see the most,

And the range is the difference between.

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