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Croeso - Welcome to Willow Class


We had a fantastic time during our physical development afternoon.  Year 1 enjoyed time on the bikes and scooters.  They also got hot and sweaty while taking part in a circuit training session.

Reception had great fun in dance and movement.  They blasted off into space in their rockets.  We also spent time outdoors exploring our school grounds.



Please click on the button below to take you to an information page on fine motor skills and pencil grip.

Please click on the button below to take you to the information page from the meeting.




We have snack time every morning in class. Please see the newsletter email for information on how to sign up your child to our school fruit tuck club.   Alternatively, you can send in your child each day with a fruit snack instead of signing up to the club. There will be milk and water freely available.

Things to remember: 

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Water bottle

Please send your child into school each day with a labelled water bottle.  We will be sending home these bottles each evening to be washed at home, refilled and then returned to school the following day.  The water bottle needs to be filled with water.  No squash or juice please!

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Spare Clothes

A spare change of clothes (e.g. pants and socks, trousers/skirt, t-shirt…) will be very useful.  Please send the clothes in a small named drawstring bag and we will keep this on your child’s peg in case your child needs a change of clothes during the day.


Please send your child in with a raincoat every day. The weather is very changeable, so a sunny early morning can quickly turn into a rainy day.

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