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Croeso i Dosbarth Coeden Afal  Welcome to Apple Tree Class
(Years 1 & 2)

Dear All,


This term Year 1 & 2 children are continuing with the theme of ‘Journeys’ with the main focus on ‘Where does our food come from?’.

Since returning from the Easter break we have been focusing on all the ingredients we used to make the Easter crispy cakes that we made.

We have already found out where chocolate comes from and how it gets to the shops and also looked at Fairtrade chocolate and other Fairtrade products.

Last week we looked at how butter is made and made our own butter to taste, thank you to all who supplied jars so that we could make it. 

Next we'll be finding out how golden syrup is made and after that looking at the history of cornflakes. We'll also be designing cereal packets.



We will be continuing our daily Phonics, Numeracy and Pentastic sessions focusing on sounds/blends/keywords, number facts, as well as correct pencil grip and writing letters with the correct formation.


The support you provide at home with daily reading and sound/words practice is so beneficial to your child’s reading development and, even five minutes a day, makes a valuable difference. We are very grateful for your continued support in this home-school partnership. Please can you help us with our home/school reading schedule by returning book bags to school each Monday with a brief comment written in the diary… thank you!


We have a fun and busy term ahead of us. 

Thank you for all your support,

Mrs. Sully



A few reminders:

Please can book bags be returned to school every Monday.

Physical Activity Afternoon - Each Wednesday.  Please can your child come to school wearing their P.E kit (including house colour t-shirt).

The weather is very changeable, and we try and be outdoors as much as possible each day.  Please can your child bring a rain coat each day.  Thank you!



Some suggested websites for Year 1 & 2 children:

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