Croeso i Dosbarth Coeden Afal Welcome to Apple Tree Class
(Years 1 & 2)
Dear Parents,
We have all enjoyed sharing information and learning all about life in the 1990’s and are excited about the school celebration day on Monday. A big THANK YOU to you for sharing your experiences of the 1990’s with your children, they have really loved sharing their research with us all in class.
Next week is a busy week again with our school celebration day on Monday and school trip to Sotherndown on Wednesday.
1st July Celebration Day: On Monday the 1st of July we will be holding a special day in school to mark the end of the 50 days. There will be lots of fun activities taking place and your child is invited to come dressed in 90s themed clothing. Please don’t feel you have to buy anything new. A costume made up from things you already have at home is fantastic.
3rd July – Beach Trip: Please see letter for further details BEACH TRIP KIT LIST
Next week will be the last week that we will be sending school reading books and key words home. Please return reading books, diaries and Book Bags the following Monday, 8th July, so that we can prepare them ready for September.
Thank you for all your support, it really does make a big difference!
Mrs Sully
* For more exciting information please see the Summer Newsletter below.
A few reminders:
Please can book bags be returned to school every Monday.
Physical Activity Afternoon - Each Wednesday. Please can your child come to school wearing their P.E kit (including house colour t-shirt).
The weather is very changeable, and we try and be outdoors as much as possible each day. Please can your child bring a rain coat each day. Thank you!
Some suggested websites for Year 1 & 2 children:
BBC Super Movers Fun curriculum linked resources to get you moving while they learn.
Primary Resources Resources to support reading comprehension.
Top Marks A variety of online activities for all curriculum subjects.
Scholastic Free Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler Home Learning Packs
- CBBC website to watch video clips of some young sporting stars talking about their chosen sport.
- National Geographic Kids
- Techniquest a collection of science demonstrations, some you can try at home.
- Science Sparks Science experiments for kids.
- Tate Modern. Create and show your own artwork.
- Joe Wicks daily work out for kids.