Year 2 Homework
Welcome to Year 2’s homework page.
As a continuation from last term work will be set every Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. Each week children will receive spellings, and a piece of homework based on a numeracy or literacy task. There will be a spelling test each Wednesday, and certificates will be given out for children completing maths challenges using the Mathletics programme. In addition to these activities tasks will be available on Purple mash for the children to complete. Please ask any member of the Year 2 team if you have any questions regarding the homework.
In addition to set homework, we ask that your child also reads every day. Please talk about the book that you read together and then record your session weekly in the reading record. The booklet provides a useful link between home and school for us all to quickly communicate.
Links to each weeks homework letter will be posted below and previous weeks homework will remain available throughout the term for you to revisit if you wish.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Hadall, Mrs Funtek and Mrs Smale.
Previous Homework Letters
This Week's
Literacy Resources
Choose a level and then complete the sentences activity. Have fun!
Please read a variety of texts that you find interesting. These may be books but may include magazines, papers, letters of adverts. Try going on a phonic hunt to see how many sounds you can find written in interesting places.
Purple Mash
There are lots of exciting activities set for you on Purple Mash. If you log in and go to your 'To-Dos' you will find them there!
Choose from.....
Maths activities - choose from a variety of activities including...
- Counting to 20 / 100 / 100.
- Finding the place value of a number.
Other fun activities
More activities will be added as we explore our topic of Tremendous Trees.
Have lots of fun Year 2!
Mrs Hadall